G10x a technologically advanced company, has evolved through providing cutting edge, futuristic solutions and approached us with the intent to translate their proficiency.

After intensive research and strategic analysis on every aspect of the brand and what it offers to its global clientele, we reached to an understanding of the futuristic and rapidly evolving nature of the brand. Their brand colours of orange, black and red captured their passionate nature and we decided to maintain the color scheme as a base to the stylescapes.
However, G10x is not just a company that is capable of being a pioneer in technology, they are also a brand that believes in consistent evolution. One that pivots at a steady pace to generate results earlier than expected. Therefore every stylescape was designed keeping in mind their ever evolving qualities, along with the bold global presence it holds.
Much like the company, every stylescape we created held a bold and innovative quality that conveyed the voice of the brand, however, the last option was chosen to be taken ahead as it best established the brand and its business goals.

To drive the entire project home we have made use of a simplistic yet modern form inspired from the logo itself, throughout the website. The dominating colours of black, contrasted by orange and white complements the progressive qualities of the brand and the icons chosen are edgy and filled in, making them stand out.
If you are looking to speak out, and stand strong with conveying your business goals and services you know where to look —